It's Sickening How Little The World Cares About The Plight Of Dudes Getting Sweaty As Shit In The Summer

The great thing about the world today is that we've become accepting of so many different people. Not only have we come to accept those folks for who they are, but we celebrate their differences and highlight their uniqueness. It seems like everybody gets a month, or a week, or at least a day. 

Except for dudes who sweat their dick off throughout the day anytime the temperature gets above 80 degrees. 

Just look at the way we are mocked and ridiculed and persecuted. Instead of anyone offering to help us out in our time of need, they take photos to post on the internet so everyone can have a little chuckle about how gross and disgusting we are. As if we made a choice to be grotesquely sweaty in the summer, instead of just being born with overactive sweat glands. In a world where you can't make fun of anybody without running the risk of getting cancelled, dudes who sweat through their shirt before 8:30am in the summer still seem to be fair game. 

And it's systemic. Some dudes don't even have a chance. They get a job in an office and are forced to wear a suit in the middle of a heat wave because...well...because that's just the way it is. There's no valid argument to say guys can't get the same exact work done in a pair of shorts and a tshirt as they can when wearing a suit. But society doesn't give a shit about that. They just want to see dudes suffer in the summer when it's 100 degrees outside and their shirt gets glued to their chest. 

If the world was truly inclusive, then we'd have freshen up stations on every corner. A place where dudes can change into a new shirt that isn't completely water logged with sweat. Maybe even a dryer if you've already ran out of all your clean shirts for the day and just need to revive one or two. There needs to be a deodorant dispenser on every block. 

It's a hard world for all of us profuse sweaters out there in the summer. It would just be nice to feel like we aren't going through it alone. 

Sidenote: There's nothing worse than when you are sweating your ass off and someone gives you a little pat on the back, and then acts all disgusted when their hand gets wet. Uhhhh hey, buddy. Maybe don't touch me and you won't have to deal with having a palm drenched in sweat. 


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